In Memoriam


Anala Opal Grits

It’s hard to even describe how special this angel cat was, but I’ll try. Miss Anala came to us late winter via one of our favorite rescues, Hope for All Pets. It’s difficult to fathom how anyone let her get in such terrible condition, but she was found in a county where people are struggling, so many animals don’t even have a chance. I can’t describe how affectionate and loving this little soul was. She was battling parasites, starvation, and skin cancer, yet ALL she wanted to do was roll around on your lap, make biscuits, and purr. Anala charmed us completely along with our vet and everyone who saw her photos and videos. Once we got various health issues taken care of, we decided to have her ears removed to give her more time and rid her of that pain. She thrived after surgery, and we had several great months together. I will cherish the memories of that time forever. Unfortunately, the cancer began to spread quickly and was affecting her breathing, so we made the decision to ease her suffering before things got worse. But she was rolling and purring until the very end. Anala was one of a kind and she was loved beyond words by many.

Happy at Rosebud Ranch

The sweetest soul

Upon arrival

Feeling so much better after her surgery!

Anala’s poor ears upon arrival

Our friend crocheted her some ears!


At the very beginning of 2021, I got a message about a wobbly stray cat wandering through a few farms in the cold. I met his finder in the parking lot of a shopping center near us, and when she opened the back of her car, it was hard not to cry. This rumpled old boy was an absolute mess. When I got home, we put him in Rosie’s bed and discovered that his whole body was covered in mats, burs, and ticks. His frame was huge but completely emaciated and dehydrated. It was hard to see his beautiful eyes because they were so sunken. He would fall over when he tried to get up, and his mouth was so infected that it was swollen and painful to have touched. I knew that we couldn’t fix him completely, but I was determined to do my best to make him feel better and love him the way he deserved to be loved at this stage of his life.

We named him Stanley. For the first few days, he just slept and ate and sometimes made it to the litter box. But as we medicated him, removed the mats and ticks, and let him rest, he perked up and even played with toys. He spent many days in our laps during Rosie’s remote schooling. After several weeks, when he was finally more stable and stronger, we knew we had to take care of his miserable mouth. He underwent a full mouth extraction, and made it through the anesthesia, but passed away suddenly while recovering on his heating pad. Our tireless vet believed that he probably had a heart condition and just gave out.

Stanley was such a special, incredibly sweet little survivor. He wanted to live, but the neglect and abandonment he endured was too great. We are honored that we got to know him and love him in his final weeks. Stanley also solidified my desire to dedicate much of my time to hospice fostering. Elderly cats have my heart, and it’s a gift to hold them close and provide then with whatever care they need.


Last summer we had to say goodbye to the sweetest grumpy girl there ever was. Bea aka Queen Bea, Busy Bea, Bumble Bea, Honey Bea, the Beabeabeabadee came into our lives almost 9 years ago. She was living in a feral colony where I was TNRing with friends. Her paw was wounded so off to the vet she went. Turned out to be a deadly mold called blastomycosis. We fostered her for nine months due to a very long treatment which happened to coincide with my pregnancy. So, right before Rosie arrived, we decided that there was no way that we could let her go.

Bea LOVED people and greeted anyone who came in the house with foot rubs. She adored all of Rosie’s baby gear and would often sleep in her crib. She tolerated all of our other cats and the many fosters to come through the house, but whenever one got too close, she would give them a bop on the head . Her constant RBF made her extra endearing. She was the best Bea, and we are so grateful we got to share our lives with her for many years. Love you always and miss you.

Tom Sawyer

Goodnight, Tom Sawyer. I’ve been replaying our time with you in my mind which brought both tears and lots of laughs. This crazy old dude showed up shortly after Rosie was born. He was one straggly, skinny soul, and he decided to make himself right at home with the front porch gang. He drove them batty, but they allowed him to remain. Tom wasn’t scared of anyone or anything. I nicknamed him Lieutenant Dan because he wasn’t even afraid of storms. One dark evening, I peered outside and he was sitting on the red cat barn while the thunder clapped and sheets of rain were sweeping down the street. He had his nose in the air as the wind gusts blew through his fur! Totally unfazed. Didn’t mind snow one bit either.

When we moved to our new house, I had to pack up all of the indoor and outdoor cats, and I didn’t have a single carrier or room in the van for one I left him on the front porch with his bed and food. I knew out of all of them, he’d stay and be fine. Sure enough, this sweet boy was waiting for me the next morning.

He adjusted well to the outdoor enclosure here and found a new best buddy, Small Boy, who appeared on the porch a few months after we moved in. They have spent the past few years wrestling and bathing each other. Tom battled several health issues in the past few years but always bounced back after getting his teeth pulled and necessary meds. Unfortunately, his issues weren’t fixable this time. But I know without a doubt that he enjoyed the past 8 years (we think he was probably 16ish), and that’s all I can ask for. Crazy kid, thank you for showing up and letting us be your people! Love you.

Sergeant Pepper

Sergeant Pepper aka Pep Pep showed up at our old house 7 years ago. We packed him up with his porch buddies when we moved here, and around that time, his issues began. Pep has struggled with lung problems / pneumonia which we addressed with ultrasounds and many rounds of antibiotics. He rallied time and time again over the past four years. With each battle, I’ve held my breath, prepared for the worst, and hoped for the best. I can’t tell you how gentle and lovely he was…..not one grumpy or aggressive cell in his soul. I struggled immensely with knowing the right time to let him go. When he stopped running to the food bowl and wouldn’t get out of bed, I knew it was best to give him the peace he deserved and not allow him to suffer needlessly.


I hope he is now romping with his best friends, Mr. Tubbs and Tom Sawyer. Love you, dear Pep Pep.

Blanche, Sophia, & Harriet

Three of our retired chickens passed away in 2021. Our beautiful hens are such a joy, and we always miss them when they are gone. Harriet was found as a stray in an alley, and Blanche and Sophia were older girls no longer needed by their original owner. We hope that they enjoyed their time here.


